Wednesday, August 1, 2012

7 weeks

It is hard to believe that in 7 weeks I will be hold our newest little addition. He doesn't yet have a name (not a big deal yet, I promise he will soon...well, at least by this time 7 weeks from now). He has some fat little cheeks and appears to have a double chin.

And 7 weeks seems so close, it seems like it is impossible how quickly this pregnancy has flown. To begin with it seemed hard to believe how slow the pregnancy was going, we knew almost right away. Now, I have 7 weeks left. That's 7 weeks to get things ready, 7 weeks to prep the boys some more, 7 weeks to plan out who will take H to school and pick him up (another already? moment), 7 weeks. I admit that physically I feel ready for this to be done. Now, though, I look around and just think, "what am I going to do?" Well, it will happen. Friends have already offered to help, and I know my mom will be here for the week after he's born. Plans partially made. Now to get organized (a bigger joke for those who know me well) and get it done. Here's to 7 more weeks as a family of 5 and 7 more weeks of savoring the last pregnancy I plan on having. Yay for kicking babies on the inside and out (only one of which is kicking me). And now to stare just a little bit longer at that sweet face before getting started.

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